The best natural skincare products for winter skin

Don’t let your face suffer from bad weather, central heating, less fresh air and comfort food. Get ready for the darker days with the best natural skincare products for winter. Autumn Equinox has gone, and the clocks go back on Sunday, 31st October. Though you only need to look out of your window or check the temperature to know Winter is coming. There’s a tendency to think that the cold weather creates the worse problems with your skin at this time of year. In fact, central heating is an issue too, alongside less fresh air and Vitamin D from natural light. It all adds up to drier and less elastic skin, which can then become less resistant to spots, new lines and flaky patches. It is also why winter skin can look dull. Of course, we can’t mention problem skin in winter without mentioning food! It’s a natural instinct to eat more starchy foods when the weather turns cold, but comfort eating is another reason your skin can be dry, or even spotty and blotchy in winter. You can combat winter skin problems by changing your cleansing and moisturising routine, and switching to natural skincare brands formulated to work harder. Plus, you deserve to indulge in some luxurious skincare purchases when the weather turns nasty. Pampering your skin gives you a winter mood boost.

Best way to clean your face in winter

Harsher weather makes using a kinder, gentler cleanser a good idea. Applying harsh chemicals and synthetics products to skin that’s already dry and possibly sore could make it worse. Instead, you want to choose natural skincare products for winter. You need an oil-based skin cleanser with no added chemicals, that relies on botanic, nutritionally rich ingredients to lift dirt from your skin in a natural way. The leading pure skin cleansers also leave behind only a nourishing residue, not chemicals that can irritate or clog pores. Oil-based cleansers are brilliant at keeping your pores clear and adding essential nourishment to your skin to keep it protected all year round. Does soap dry your skin in winter? Not if you use a luxurious cold-processed soap bar. They are specially blended and carefully made to lock in natural oils and essences, so your skin feels the benefit.

The best winter moisturisers

It’s the season to ramp up the application of good quality products to hydrate your skin, ones that leave behind moisturising and cell-boosting nutrients. So, it’s the perfect time to try a face serum. Serums offer highly-concentrated moisturising ingredients, with no lubricating or thickening agents like many off the shelf products. While they soothe and replenish your skin, they also help to lock in the hydration from your daily moisturiser. You can also double up your skin replenishment by switching to a richer, daily moisturiser and using a night cream at bedtime so your skin can be fully hydrated while you sleep.

Don’t forget your lips in cold weather

When the cold weather hits, the sensitive skin on our lips can be affected by it first. They can often feel dry and flakey and can crack and get quite sore if not look after properly. Applying a nourishing lip balm will help protect the delicate skin on your lips from changes in temperature and humidity. That being said, there are a few things to consider when choosing your lip balm. Petroleum jelly based products act as a protective barrier, which is great, but it's not going to add any moisture. So, over time it can actually make your chapped lips worse. The best kind of lip balm will add moisture and create a protective barrier. Ingredients like cocoa butter and coconut oil are a great hydrator and beeswax gives you that protective barrier. Our Geranium and Sweet Orange Luxury Lip Balm is the perfect solution for winter, and it smells amazing too.

Winter pampering for your whole body

Though your face is most exposed to environmental factors in the winter, the rest of you can suffer too. It’s recommended that you use plant-oil products for showers and baths, to restore the natural balance of your skin, and give it a health boost. Then, apply a light body moisturiser – such as 100% natural body butter – to provide extra hydration and nourishment. Not only will your skin look smoother, your skin (and you) will also feel better. Also, don’t forget your hands. The changes in temperature can take their toll on your hands and can often leave them feeling dry and cracked. So, it's a great time to get into the habit of applying moisturise twice a day. Solid natural hand cream bars are a great alternative to standard products. Not least as you can concentrate its goodness on the areas of your hands that dry out most, and it comes in sustainable packaging.

The cost of skincare products for winter

Buying the best natural skincare products for winter can mean paying more when compared to cheap and less effective mass-produced brands. However, the best 100% natural skincare purchases can last longer, and help you get through Winter wonderfully! Even better, if you sign up for our newsletter you can get news of great deals on skincare products perfect for every season.